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Cruel! This Boy's Neck Almost Separates From His Body

The IMROEE Post - In this boy's neck is embedded a knife about 25 cm in length. The boy who is about 15 years old is apparently still breathing though a knife penetrates his neck from the right side.

Cruel! This Boy's Neck Almost Separates From His Body -- imroee

Fresh blood is kept out through his mouth and neck and smearing his body, especially on the chest.

Cruel! This Boy's Neck Almost Separates From His Body -- imroee

He laid on the street and occasionally made a small struggling with his pain that seemed unbearable. People who wacthed this terrible tragedy will probably make their sleep not soundly.

Cruel! This Boy's Neck Almost Separates From His Body -- imroee

But this boy is not a victim of murder, mutilation, or such a pathetic tragedy.

Cruel! This Boy's Neck Almost Separates From His Body -- imroee

Cruel! This Boy's Neck Almost Separates From His Body -- imroee

Cruel! This Boy's Neck Almost Separates From His Body -- imroee

A man who claims to have supernatural powers; immune to weapons, can cure many diseases, disconnect and connect people's necks, etc., showing extreme attractions in the Taman Kesatuan Bangsa (TKB), 45 market complex, Manado.

Cruel! This Boy's Neck Almost Separates From His Body -- imroee

3 komentar:

  1. Kalau ini sebuah pertunjukan, berarti termasuk pertunjukan yang sungguh mengerikan, ya.
    Salam kekerabatan.


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